Those to whom you might consider offering an apology

A partial list of those to whom you might consider offering an apology.

1. EBEs — Extraterrestrial Biological Entities

Biological beings from other planets in the Milky Way Galaxy or one of the other estimated 300 billion galaxies in the physical universe. If planetary formation is a natural part of stellar evolution, and if the evolution of biological life is both robust (able to develop in a wide variety of planetary climatologies) and universal, then it is likely that intelligent, technologically evolved life exists on planets that have a billion year (or more) head start on the evolution of life on Earth.

2. Interdimensional Beings

Biological beings from somewhere other than our observable universe. Some theorize other universes (a Multiverse) exist in the same spacetime as our own.

3. God

The ultimate, omniscient Creator of all that occurs or has ever occurred or will occur on Earth.

4. Angels

Non-biological, Spiritual Beings who observe and may also intervene in what occurs on Earth.

5. Ancestors

Our grandparents, great-grand parents, great-great grandparents back through time. Some humans have reported experiencing the presence and guidance of departed relatives.

6. Descendants

Many present-day human beings believe we owe our grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren an apology for our unrestrained consumption and destruction of the nonrenewable resources of the Earth.

While the other apologies on this site may be seen by many as having a questionable probability of being read by their intended recipients, it is a near certainty that at least some of our descendants will be interested to read much of what we have to say to them here.

Send your apology anonymously:

The People of Earth Apologize
584 North Hillside Circle
Alpine, UT 84004

or via e-mail: