
“People say that when we grow up, we kick at everything we’ve been told, we rebel against the world our parents worked so hard to bring us into, that part of growing of is kicking at the ties that bind. But I don’t think that’s why we kick at all. I think we kick when we find out that our parents don’t know much more about the world than we do. They don’t have all the answers. We rebel when we find out that they’ve been lying to us all along, that there isn’t any Santa Claus at all…”

Allie Keys / Taken 2002
sent by Jacob

” I once imagined myself searching for other civilizations in the cosmos. Among a hundred billion galaxies and a billion trillion stars, life and intelligence should have arisen in many worlds; some worlds are barren and desolate. On them life never began or may have been extinguished in some cosmic catastrophe. There may be worlds rich in life not yet evolved to intelligence and high technology; there may be civilizations that achieved technology and then promptly used it to destroy themselves; and, perhaps, there are also beings who learn to live with their technology and themselves, beings who endure and become citizens of the cosmos. “

Carl Sagan
sent by Joe Buchman

” You could be happy here, I could take care of you. I wouldn’t let anybody hurt you. “

Elliot in “E.T.: The Extra-terrestrial” 1992
sent by Joe Buchman

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