Website Health status.

Restoration progress finished – the website is online again. Final touchs and it’s ready.

One of the “item” is a clue that the wordpress wasn’t installed with “one click installation”, any nerd knows which one is it? (=
Categorised as Website

Website/Page restoration progress.

Will keep it short, promised!

I was reading Joe’s old webpage (section “about us”) and found weblink about the Buchman family’s visit to Mongolia in 2000. And I’m thinking: Mongolia 23 years ago, could be interesting. Let me check. But it said:

“Page not found, We’re sorry, but we were unable to locate the page you requested.” (

Okay then, I got the link so will check And I found the article with all the photos intact. I’ve read the story and decided to bring it back from the wayback machine in to the future. It would be really “schade” if someday the story disappear.

Section “About Us” – link “TECHNOS QUARTERLY.